
Looking at Peter Redpath’s Essay (2000) “The Homeschool Renaissance” (Part 17 of 17)

0076  Twenty years ago, Redpath concludes that we need to learn from the mistakes of the founders of the last great Western Renaissance.  He addresses the upcoming Homeschooling Renaissance.  It must not devolve into a battle among the arts.  Rather, it must offer a restoration of ordinary sense experience as the foundation of reason.  Philosophy, as well as the literary and fine arts, will naturally follow.

Order will return to human learning.

0077 To me, the prior diagrams place Redpath’s lesson and tale into a new way of looking at our current condition.  Each diagram expresses a triadic relation.  All the diagrams engage one another.

At the same time, there is a center, the interscope that is formulated by scholastics, dismissed by Renaissance humanists, and ignored by mechanical philosophers.  Redpath calls the center “scholastic psychology”.  I call this interscope, “the individual in communityA“.

0078 Here is a picture.

Figure 16

0079 Yes, here is a picture, working on principles available to sensible reason.  Sensible reason transcends secondness, the realm of actuality, where the principle of non-contradiction applies.  Sensible reason includes thirdness and firstness.  In order to understand, we must place an actuality2 into its appropriate normal context3 and potential1.

0080 Aquinas stands at the spring of a great philosophical river.  John Poinsot stands at the harbor, where this river enters the sea.  Charles Peirce plans to sail the sea.  Razie Mah is a sailor on Peirce’s ship.

0081 Twenty years ago, Redpath offers one guidance.  Watch for small flaws, for they become terrors at the end.

Today, Redpath offers another.  The enterprise begins.

0082 There is only one house open for us all.  There is only one boat navigating an ocean of deception.  Every parent knows this.  The house of God is built on revelation.  Reason, grounded in ordinary sense experience, allows us to see its designs.  The ship of God sails into both calm and storm.  Logic, grounded in triadic relations, allows us to characterize the winds.  Our creation starts with winds moving over the waters.  Our creation ends with a place that we call home.

Razie Mah offers his wares to the Big Schoolhouse.

Welcome to the Age of Triadic Relations.