Thoughts on Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 1.3E

Summary of text [comment] page 18

In addition to saying that evil thoughts in the heart produce sin, Jesus said that “all these evil things come from within and they defile the man  (Mark 7:21).”

[ Notably,  thinkgroup3(sin2(consciencelacking1)) denies the natural consequences, the lawessential3, that contextualizes transgressions.  Lawdenial3 brings sin2 into relation with dispositions1.  The moral religious nested form empowers the natural philosophic nested form.

Does the denial of lawessential3 and the resulting trained dispositions equate to “defilement”?

Consider leprosy, a classic Scriptural sign of defilement.  Some types of leprosy consist in “the loss of the feeling of touch” through disease.  The person is not aware ‘he’ is injuring ‘himself’.  So injuries continue until tissue breaks down.

In parallel, the sinner loses ‘his’ “sense of touch” by habitually denying lawessential.

The sinner loses touch with thinkdivine3( virtue2( consciencefree1)).]