Looking at Razie Mah’s  (2014) The First Primer of the Organization Tier  (Part 9 of 24) 

0056 The fourth primer introduces the organization tier.

The organizationB tier occupies the slot for actuality in a primal nested form.

The individual in communityA tier occupies the slot for possibility.

An unnamed upperC tier labels the slot for normal context.

Figure 20

0057 Why is the upperC tier not named?

Of course, the thirdC tier has a label.

But, as soon as a label occupies the slot for normal context, the actuality of the organizationB tier gets turned.  The current term is “spin”.  For example, corporate media “spins” the “narrative”, into which organizationB-tier actualities appear to fit.

The issue of “spin” presents a great challenge for the disciplines of economics and sociology, which aim to scientifically study the phenomena of organizations.  Academics are tempted to judge the organizationB tier, as if the thing itselfB could be ethically evaluated.

0058 Take a look at the nested form for the organizationB tier.

Assessment3B brings transactions2B into relation with the potential of ‘people working together’1B.

What do these words mean?

Every term tells a story.

Consequently, each element in the partially differentiated relational structure expands into a nested form, resulting in a three-level interscope.

Figure 21

OrganizationB is not differentiated.

The nested form of assessment3B, exchange2B and ‘working together’1B is partially differentiated.

The interscope with the levels of assessmentcB, exchangebB and ‘working together’aB is fully differentiated.