Thoughts on Sin by Ted Peters (1994) Pride 4L

FaithProgressivism is belief in the model that the “self” is the principle by which the mind is bound to the body.

Experts define “self-esteem” (see “pride” above) and provide ideas for the social construction of their model.

FaithProgressivism speaks the “language” of Progressivism.  In this language, Progressivism is by definition not a “religion”.

FaithProgressivism adores the social constructions of the Central State, the Multiversities, and the Conformist Media and Entertainment Complex and is blind or dissembling in regards to the unintended consequences of those constructions.

Progressives cannot recognize the sins inherent in the social constructions of those sister religions: Fascism and Communism.  That is because the sins of its sister religions are the ones that they unconsciously intend to commit.

Why?  Because these sins make them feel good about themselves.

See Thomas Sowell’s book: Intellectuals.