Thoughts on Sin by Ted Peters (1994) Concupiscence 5A

Traditionally, “concupiscence” (“con” = “with”; “cupere”=”to desire”; “scence”=”a state of being”) was associated with impulsive acts that relieved anxiety.

There is a little “Cupid” in “concupiscence”.   And, it makes “scence” that, if your “state of being” is “with Cupid”, then your may find your heart pierced with “an arrow of desire”.

What do you crave?  Certainly, you do not crave to overcome your craving.  Or maybe you do.  All you need to do is get rid of that nasty body and become a disembodied mind.  What could a disembodied being possibly crave?  Hmmm.  Do I detect a problem here?

Cupid’s arrows can pierce both embodied and disembodied hearts.