Thoughts on Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 1.2E1

Text (pages 10-12) [comments in square brackets]

[Paul argued that “sin” preceded “transgression of the Law”.

At the same time, the Law made “sin”, “the transgression of the Law”, possible by serving as a site for “sin” to fixate.

If “sin” is “disordination”, (where did Schoonenberg get that word?) then “sin misaligns with the Law”, resulting in an increase in certain types of transgressions.  The increase may steamroll as the other sins – other “ways of disordination” – join the prevailing disordination.

In short, sin misuses the Law in order to shape its transgressions.

One shape coordinates with other shapes.

A disordination “in the wind” becomes the Zeitgeist.

Then we cry to God for the grace to let the air out of the spirit of the times.]