Looking at Gad Saad’s Book (2020) “The Parasitic Mind” (Part 12 of 17)

0083 The last blog ends with a question.

The answer is sovereign power3b.

Here is a picture of the two-level interscope for the societyC tier.

Figure 22

0084 The postmodern academy3aC calls for sovereign acts and decrees2bC to enforce its organizational objectives2aC.  In particular, the state2bC must mandate the privileges(2c)2aC of those who self-identify as “oppessed”(2b)2aC.  Plus, the state2bC must force the unwanted identification of “oppressors”(2b)2aC, upon people who do not self-identify with the label.

Also, the state2bC must support the postmodern academy3aC in its promotion and promulgation of the normal contexts of social constructionism(3a)2aC, critical theory(3b)2aC and social justice(3c)2aC

0085 This is the demand.  Sovereign power2bC must favor the new academy3aC against people who stupidly and ignorantly attempt to situate orthodox viewscontra3a(2aC).

0086 A divided world is subject to war.

In chapter one, Gad Saad describes scary episodes typical for a divided world.  The first set of episodes occurs in the Lebenese civil war.  The second set of episodes belongs to the war between postmodernism and modernism taking place on college campuses in the North America and Europe.

0087 Saad defines himself in a particular fashion.


According to How To Define The Word “Religion”, the normal context of definition3 brings the actuality of a spoken term(in this case, Professor Gad Saad)2 into relation with the potential of meaning, presence and message1.

Here is a picture.

Figure 23

0088 Dr. Gad Saad is an actuality2 that emerges from the potentials of meaning, presence and message1 in the normal context of definition3.  The message1 is freedom1.  The presence1 is truth1.  The meaning1 is located in chapter seven, concerning the nomological methods of cumulative evidence.

Evidence2 is the basis for theory1, in the normal context of scientific inquiry3.  Professionally, Dr. Saad applies concepts in evolutionary psychology to observations and measurements of cognitive psychology.  The evidence comes from cognitive psychology.  The nomological methods come from biology.

0089 According to Saad’s testimony in chapter one, he encounters the content-level normal context of social construction3a(2aC) in the 1990s, when he moves to Cornell for graduate studies.  He specializes in the application of evolutionary psychology to consumer behavior.

Even at this time, publications in consumer research journals are not scientific or philosophical.  They are postmodern.  They promote the idea that social construction3a(2aC) arises from the human will1a(2aC) and defines who the person chooses to be2a(2aC).  Consumers socially construct their realities.