0042 Jeff Hardin suggests that Biblical interpretation and scientific interpretation should move in tandem.
There are three postmodern lines that bind them.
They appear in the following diagram.

0043 The three strands are the Lebenswelt that we evolved in, our current Lebenswelt, and the transition between the two.
Amazingly, this binding is already on display in three masterworks by Razie Mah… er… this commentator.
How so?
I start with the Lebenswelt that we evolved in.
0044 Here is an interpretation of the Bible.
The Creation Story is a sign of the evolutionary record. Just as various Genesis days unfold and build on one another, the evolution of our planet evolves through ages. The construction of the tent of the heavens and the earth is like a stained glass window looking out onto the evolution of our world.
What does the Creation Story tell me about what it is to be human?
Only with the appearance of the intention of man does the spirit find a home in the material world. The human soul informs the human body. The human body substantiates the human soul. Our lineage comes into existence as images of God.
0045 This describes a noumenon. What about its phenomena?
This noumenon calls for a new approach to evolutionary science.
The fish have an ultimate niche: the potential of water. The birds have an ultimate niche: the potential of air. Water and air are material actualities independent of the adapting species.
0046 What about our ancestors?
Hominins have an ultimate niche: the potential of triadic relations. Triadic relations are real, yet immaterial. They are independent of the adapting species. Triadic relations cannot be reduced to material and instrumental causalities. Yet, they entangle them.
Humans adapt into the niche of triadic relations.
0047 This claim stands at the center of A Course on the Human Niche, which is available at smashwords.
The course begins with A Primer on Natural Signs, proceeds to four commentaries on recent publications on human evolution, then concludes with the masterwork, The Human Niche.
This course is a comprehensive alternative to current Positivist constructions of the Lebenswelt that we evolved in.
Theological anthropology [cannot be objectified as] biological anthropology, but the two can move together.