Thoughts on Sin by Ted Peters (1994) Unfaith 3N

The deductions that follow from the model of humans as mind(body(self)) constitute a significant component of the cryptotheology of Progressivism.

I mention only a few examples.

Progressive “self-esteem” demands “freedom to” rather than “freedom from” (which follows the classical liberal definition of “freedom” as basically, “freedom from (state) coercion”).  These “freedom to”s require the exercise of sovereign power in order to establish the end result (the “to” that “anyone with a mind” esteems).  This justifies “affirmative action” in hiring as well as court orders for “gay marriage”.

Progressive “self-esteem” may demand experts that establish “what constitutes esteem”.  These experts suggest criteria expressing “what constitutes esteem” such as “fairness” (progressive tax rate), “equality” (see next example), “safety” (elimination of all danger), “opportunity” (determination of career options by the state) and so on.

If someone questions these experts, that person is “less than human” because “she threatens to diminish someone’s self-esteem”.