Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.1EF

Summary of text [comment] page 69

[The intersection of participation and recognition contains a polarity between divine normal contexts (the sources of grace, as well as self destruction) and human potentials (the subject of grace, as well as self destruction).

This polarity encounters the polarity of exclusive normal contexts that bring either grace or self destruction into relation with the monadic sea of possibility.

Thus, I present an image of the word ‘counter’ in the (translator’s chosen term from the original Dutch) ‘counterpoles’ describing the difference between the source and the subject of grace.

Finally, I compare this intersection to the ground of the dyadic actuality of ‘the human in the image of ‘the One Who Recognizes’ and ‘the One Who Is Recognized’‘. This comparison appears in the next blog.]