Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 1.7M

Summary of text [comment] pages 47, 48 and 49

[Does the juxtaposition of God’s transcendence and God’s immanence make God mysterious?

I take a sheet of paper and make a list. The title of the list is “What makes God mysterious”. I list the two items.

But, then I have this weird thought: How can I possibly check off both items without realizing that the list itself is the principle that brings these two together?

I see two items. Do I even register the third?

Yet this third itself is also conveys the mystery of God. The ink and paper that the mystery is written literally brings the two items together.

Schoonenberg did not quite realize that the mystery of God (the list & the paper) underlies the Immanent (the Semitic view) and the Transcendent (the Greek view).

Oh, but “the mystery of God” also contextualizes. It is the title of the list.]