Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 1.6R2

Summary of text [comment] page 44

[Now, I consider this interscoping nestedness on a very tiny scale.

Let me consider a eukaryotic cell as an example.

The cell itself is a unity:

Cell3(homeostasis as ecology2(organelles and receptors1))

Arranging, … groping3(metabolic pathways as internal environment2(biochemical constituents1))

Membranes bending in order to define3(inside versus outside2(Nothingness1))

Two points should be noted.

The interscoping nested forms may fit into the adjacent higher level in more than one way.

The lower form may fit into either actuality or possibility of the adjacent higher form.

The lower form may contribute to actuality when it is “taken for granted’ by the higher nested form.

The lower form may contribute to possibility when its potential is exploited in the adjacent higher nested form.

Interscoping nested forms may branch.

The interscoping nested forms are not fixed in terms of graininess of detail.  They may accordion in and out to lesser or greater detail.]