Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 1.6C

Summary of text [comment] page 41

[“Evil3” resonates with “determination of the status3 of the … subject(3)”.

Is subject(3) the same as subject(1), “the potential from which the action proceeds1”?

The answer is typically “no”.

Consider Schoonenberg’s example.]

Schoonenberg used the example of an earthquake creating a physical evil – a privation of good – that catastrophically alters the status of living beings, changing the conditions so that these living beings – limited by metaphysical evil – die.

[This can be written in nested form:

… determines status of natural subjects(3); living forms(3)( earthquake that radically alters habitat2( … proceeds from natural subject1; geological processes1))

“The determination of status” pertains to “subject(3)”.

Subject(3) is not necessarily identical to subject1.]