Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 1.4D2

Summary of text [comment] page 22

[Religionsuprasovereign interpellates the thinkgroups. Thinkdivine calls to people open to conversion, people who are capable of abandoning their thinkgroup.  People can see when a thinkgroup denies the consequences of its actions.  People sense the Real (lawessential).

The call of religionsuprasovereign can lead to conflict with sovereigninfrareligion.

Some religionsinfrasovereign refuse thinkdivine on the basis of some “object that they hold dear”.   The object serves to elevate the (infra)sovereign thinkgroup and demonize its perceived opponents.  The object inspires the movement to grasp sovereign power.  In doing so, the movement usurps precisely “what the supra-sovereign religion would guide” and places an object (an organizational goal) in the place of God (the relation that call everyone).

I call this usurpation: thinkpro-object.]