Thoughts on Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 1.2R1

[The prior blog’s example parallels, on a minor scale, a doubling back that may occur on a grander scale.

People, who are not in a particular thinkgroup, suffer the lawessential that the thinkgroup generates through their “missing the mark”.  When people grimace or complain, they are labeled – rather, branded – according to some quality that thinkgroup projects onto them.

Once this second layer of symbols appears, lasting sin appears, because the way out of the box created by thinkgroup becomes impossible.

What is not possible?

Unbranding is not possible from the standpoint of thinkgroup.

Each accusation (and attack on an innocent) cements the thinkgroup.

The ratchet effect explains how thinkalong_with_the_group becomes the exclusive way of thinking.

To question the box is to be labeled as holding a “false consciousness”: that is, thinkhate_the_group.]