Looking at Gad Saad’s Book (2020) “The Parasitic Mind” (Part 10 of 17)

0066 The new academy denies that there is a world outside the three-level interscope that empowers them.

0067 Consider the virtual nested form in the realm of normal contexts.

Figure 17

0068 The normal context of social justice2c virtually brings the actuality of critical theory3b into relation with the potential of social construction3a.

To me, this virtual nested form describes the institution3aC of the College of Social Construction.

Likewise, the virtual nested form in the realm of actuality portrays the organizational objectives2aC of the new academy.

Finally, the virtual nested form in the realm of possibility depicts the righteousness1aC of the nouvelle academy.

0069 The College of Social Construction is an institution.

What are institutions?

Here is a picture of the contenta-level of the societyC tier, appearing in the chapter on presence in Razie Mah’s masterwork, How To Define The Word “Religion” (available at smashwords and other e-book venues).

Figure 18

0070 Saad does not know this figure.  His expertise does not include “institutions”. So, he cannot articulate the social nature of the new academy.

0071 At first, the inquirer may think that each of the virtual nested forms already discussed might overlap with the three elements of the figure.  In a sense, each does.  The virtual nested form in the category of thirdness may be placed over institution3aC.  The virtual nested form in the category of secondness may cover the organizational objectives2aC.  The virtual nested form in the category of firstness may be set on top of the potential of ‘righteousness’1aC.

0072 On second thought, the entire three-level interscope of the new academy could enter the slot for the organizational objective2aC.

Recall, Saad’s term, “parasite”, corresponds to the situation-level actuality2b of the interscope.  Here, the parasitic self-identifying “oppressed”2b draws substance from its host, involuntarily labeled as “oppressor”2b.  I now can imagine what that substance is.  It is righteousness1aC.

0073 So, here is my guess as to the resulting nested form.

In the normal context of the new academy3aC, the actuality of the entire three-level interscope of social justice, critical theory and social contruction2aC emerges from (and situates) the potential of a righteousness that simultaneously draws upon and rejects orthodox views, like the righteousness of an ostrich not facing what it does not want to see, like the righteousness of parasite feeding off of its host1aC, and the righteousness of just being better than orthodox scientists and philosophers1aC.

Here is the institution of the College of Social Construction.

Figure 19

0074 Uh oh.  If the potential is a righteousness that is drawn from orthodox views, like a parasite feeding off of its host1aC, then why do I write the potential of ‘signaling the virtues the human will… er… of the self-identifying oppressed… er… I mean to say, the virtues of the new world order’1aC?