Looking at Gad Saad’s Book (2020) “The Parasitic Mind” (Part 4 of 17)

0022 In order to appreciate the three-level interscope derived in the last blog, I consider the virtual nested form in the realm of possibility.  This turns the column in firstness, consisting of elements 1a, 1b and 1c into a category-based nested form.

0023 Here is a picture.

Figure 08

0024 Postmodern gender studies only proclaims the dark illumination3c.  The light illuminations3c, where liberation2coccurs, cannot be articulated, because humiliation2c and liberation2c emerge from (and situate) sovereign acts and decrees1c.  What does the postmodern (il)liberal gain from bringing politics and policies into the picture?

So, the proclamation of the dark illumination3c fills the airwaves.

0023 In the normal context of the patriarchy1cthe relevance of the humans will1b virtually emerges from (and situates) the irrelevance of biological distinctions1a, including the potential of sexual dimorphism in humans1a.

Consequently, men choose to gender themselves as males based on human will1b, rather than the potentials of scientific observations and measurements1b and the reasonable (natural law) conclusion that men and women are adapted to pair-bonding1b. The human will1b does not virtually emerge from a biological distinction1a.  Rather, the human will1b decides how to situate biological distinctions1a, where biological distinctions1a correspond to the potential inherent in male and female phenotypes1a.

0024 In short, the situation-level potential of the relevance of the human will1b veils the relevance of observations and measurements1b (in cognitive science3b) and the relevance of pair-bonding1b (from traditional moral and religious fomulations3b).

What happens next?

According to the normal context of social construction3b, if neither science3b nor religion3b are relevant, then content-level of orthodox views3a should no longer serve as subject matter.  The content-level is eclipsed.

0025 Here is a picture.

Figure 09

0026 What does this imply?

Discussions about men and women2a, one of the favorite topics in bars and coffeeshops near college campuses, are no longer pertinent.

There is a new content-level in town.