Looking at Michael Millerman’s Chapter (2022) “…Dimensions of Dugin’s Populism” (Part 8 of 9)

0040 Here is Dugin’s Greimas square.

Figure 14

0041 Here is the second strange Biblical association.

Figure 15

0042 A comparison takes the inquirer straight into an unanticipated opportunity to reconfigure the doctrine of Original Sin.  Modern academic Christians have been trying that for years, to no avail.  That is because Augustine of Hippo is not irrelevant.  It just turns out that the scientific aspect of his doctrine has been disproven.  All humanity does not directly descend from the loins of Adam.  But, the theological aspect is alive and well, as the Greimas squares demonstrate.

What is required is a new scientific hypothesis.

0043 One component of a new hypothesis appears in the e-works The First Singularity and Its Fairy Tale Trace (a plain formulation) and An Archaeology of the Fall (a dramatic portrayal), by Razie Mah, available at smashwords and other e-book venues.

In the year 2022, neither Alexander Dugin nor Michael Millerman are aware of the hypothesis of the first singularity.

0044 The hypothesis starts with an observation.  Our current Lebenswelt is not the Lebenswelt that we evolved in.

How so?

0045 The Lebenswelt that we evolved in spans around two million years.  Once hominins are bipedal, their arms are free to gesture to one another.  This allows the evolution of talk.  At first, hominins pantomime their meanings, presences and messages.  Then, the manual-brachial gestures become familiar, then routine, and hand talk evolves.  Hand talk consists of routinized manual-brachial gestures that are used in particular social normal contexts, especially teamwork.  Manual-brachial gestures work because they picture and point to their referents. They are icons and indexes.  They are natural signs.  Routinization turns these gestures into systems of differences.

Language evolves in the milieu of hand talk.  Ferdinand de Saussure defines language as two related systems of differences, parole (talk) and langue (mental processing of signs).  The story is told in the masterwork The Human Niche.  Once hominins domesticate fire, starting around eight-hundred thousand years ago, symbolic operations become general and grammar evolves.

Fire and linguistic hand talk allow hominins to prosper.  When humans evolve, speech gets added to hand talk.  Anatomically modern humans practice a dual-mode way to talking, hand-speech talk, for two-hundred thousand years, until the first singularity.  The semiotics of hand-speech talk are yet to be explored.  Hand-speech talk is grounded in the iconicity and indexality of hand talk.  Since speech cannot picture or point to anything, speech adorns hand talk and allows novel styles of social grooming.

0046 If all civilized humans practice speech-alone talk, then how do we get from hand-speech talk to where we are now?

The rupture starts with the Ubaid of southern Mesopotamia.  The Sumerian language is unrelated to any family of languages.  Why would this be so?  It is a creole, a language that emerges from the fusion of other languages.  When two groups coalesce, they practice pidgin.  Pidgin is composed of words, from two or more languages, without much grammar.  Then, over time, children weave the pidgin into a language with grammar.

As it turns out, the Ubaid of southern Mesopotamia forms out of the fusion of two hand-speech talking cultures.  In the pidgin, the hand component of hand-speech talk is lost, leaving speech-alone.  From a pidgin of spoken wordsthe children of the Ubaid weave the first speech-alone language.

0047 The semiotics of speech-alone talk is vastly different from hand-speech talk.  The Ubaid constitutes the first narod

Remember, speech-alone talk cannot picture or point to its referents.  So, what does a spoken word really mean?  The narod of the Ubaid starts to create artifacts that valid certain novel speech-alone words.  In doing so, they generate novel labor specialties, such as shepherd, goat-herder, reed-harvester, farmer, beer-brewer, potter and transporter.  They construct novel social specialties such as king and priest and warrior and missionary and on and on.  The Ubaid becomes wealthy and powerful.

The surrounding Neolithic hand-speech talking cultures cannot help but notice.  Speech-alone talk spreads on the wings of mimicry.

Today, all civilizations practice speech-alone talk.

0048 Around 7800 years later after the start of the Ubaid, the hypothesis of the first singularity is formulated.  Speech-alone talk characterizes our current Lebenswelt, filled with unconstrained social complexity.

Hand-speech (and hand-) talk characterizes the Lebenswelt that we evolved in, filled with constrained social complexity. Constrained?  All our ancestral social circles work in harmony.  Intimates, family, teams, bands, community, mega-band and tribe draw nourishment from the soil and branch out into our tree of life.  Eden is paradise because, in the Lebenswelt that we evolved in, we are who we evolved to be.

0049 The hypothesis of the first singularity allows me to add a correlation, that further develops the contrast between the narod (C) and the ethnos (D).

Here is a picture.

Figure 17