Looking at Razie Mah’s  (2015) A Primer on the Family  (Part 13 of 24)

0081 The sixth primer introduces the content level of the societyC tier.

Prior to primer six, the family appears twice as a metaphor for the organizationB tier.  

In primer four, the family associates to the entire organizationB tier.

In primer five, the proper familyaB associates to the contenta level of the organizationB tier.

0082 The family as a corporationaB expands into an interscope.  The provider associates to managementcaB.  The nurturer goes with productionbaB.  The child matches serviceaaB.  ManagementcaB, productionbaB and serviceaaB go with a corporationaB.  ProvidercaB, nurturerbaB and childrenaaB go with the family as a proper organizationaB.

0083 Like the corporation, the familyorgaB is founded on an accommodation, which I call “the marriage deal”.  The marriage deal3aB is more than the feelings, perceptions and judgments of individuals in communityA.  It3aB is the normal context of human pair-bonding1aB.  Human pair-bonding is evolutionarily ancient.  So, we are innately prepared to recognize the marriage deal3aB whenever we encounter it3aB.

0084 What does this imply?

The family associates to all three tiers of the presence underlying the word, “religion”.

Figure 30

0085 Once again, the family participates in three associations.

0086 Familyinst3aC goes with the contenta level of the societyC tier, also called “the institution level”.  An institutionaC is not the same as an organizationB or a corporationaB, even though they may appear to be the same.  An institutionaC puts the organizationB into perspective.  It is the difference between a mission statement and an organization chart.

0087 FamilyB, the family as an organization, associates to the entire organizationB interscope.

Here is a picture.

Figure 31

The ancient Greek word for “household”, “oikos“, is the root word for today’s term, “economy”.

0088 FamilyorgaB, the family as corporation, associates to the content level of the organization interscope.  

The marriage deal3aaB stands as the normal context3 of the content levela of the corporationaB interscope.

0089 What possibility1aaB underlies the marriage deal3aaB?

The potential of the male-female pair bond1aaB does.