Thoughts on Whatever Became of Sin? By Karl Menninger MD (1973) 5B

Menninger described one set of social constructions that belongs to the Public Cult of Progressivism.  The state regulates virtue, hence, justice.

He concluded with a warning by Oliver Goldsmith.

Goldsmith’s warning may characterize Public Cults in general.

The Tao offers a similar warning: “The more prohibitions you have, the less virtuous people will be.  The more weapons you have, the less secure people will be.  The more subsidies you have, the less self-reliant people will be.” (Stephen Mitchell, Tao Te Ching: A New English Version. HarperPerenniel:NY. 1992 (orig. 1988))

Menninger argued that classic social deterrents to “sin” would be much more effective than the state regulation of “crimes”.