Thoughts on Sin by Ted Peters (1994) Blasphemy 8F

The Satanic Soul is a House of Mirrors.

The parents, therapists and lawyers of the “satanic preschool trials” saw their own unconscious persona in the testimony of those eager-to-please manipulated children.  The testimony reflected through their own House of Mirrors, where one of the surfaces contains an image of what they could never admit to be, but could be in the proper circumstances.  Those Progressives could be the Instrument of some Divine Compulsion – some “fill in the blank” – some Order of the Hypergalactic Space Probe.

Satan has one face that appears as two.  One face is transfixed – by the thrill of what it sees – one of the multiple reflections of – what appears to be another face – the one who would say “yes” to being without conscience.  The one face is that of the accuser, who thrills in the accusation and the trial.  The other face is that of the accuser, who longs to serve as the perverse vessel of a Higher Good.   Yet both belong to one.

One face of Satan is on the Outside Looking In.  The other face of Satan is on the Inside Looking Out.  The One on the outside is looking in, seeking the thrill of catching a glimpse of its own image.  The one on the inside is looking out, seeking the excuse to be without substance, that is, without conscience.

Satan wants to be reflected be a Hall of Mirrors instead of a single Mirror, which reflects a unified image, an image without “doubling”.