Thoughts on Sin by Ted Peters (1994) Self-Justification 6B

Adam and Eve tried to justifyself when that brutal Father-figure suddenly appeared and asked: What the hell is going on here?  Adam blamed Eve.  Eve blamed the serpent.  The serpent was left speechless.

Their finite end was to “avoid responsibility”.  Yet, at that moment of confession, “avoiding responsibility” took on the quality of transcendence.  Everything hinged on that goal, just like everything hinges on getting that next concupiscent fix.  If the kind and understanding Father-figure had just said: “Oh, then it is not your fault.”, then what would have happened?  What was the transcendent end of Paradise?

Did the serpent know?  Or was the serpent simply elevating its own finite ends (of the pleasure of spoiling God’s Paradise) to its own transcendent end (of rebellion)?

The serpent appears even weirder if we imagine that it was “the projection of Eve’s unconscious thoughts”.  At the moment that Eve disengaged, it lost its voice, yet it remained in all its scaly actuality.  Was it the embodiment of Eve’s concupiscence, crawling, belly upon the ground, like some sort of animated limbic system and brainstem or some sort of bureaucratic memento from Hell?  Or was it the embodiment of Eve’s justificationself?

Did the serpent not justify Eve’s own unconscious thoughts?

Was there not a moment of justificationself before Eve ate the forbidden fruit?

And did God not curse the serpent first and foremost?

Upon your belly you shall go.

I will put enmity between her seed and your seed.

Her seed will bruise your head and you shall strike their heels.