Thoughts on Sin by Ted Peters (1994) Concupiscence 5D

What do the previous blogs have in common?

Concupiscence removes the mystical moment by pretending that “it” is the mystical moment.

When Cupid’s arrow pierces my embodied, or even disembodied, heart, nothing will make that wounded heart flutter other than the fulfillment that craving.  Fulfillment is a finite end substituting for a transcendent end.  The liquid rush of the heart’s flutter fills anxiety’s thirst.

When the craving for capital – let us call it “money” – is satisfied through the exploitation of others or by lowering costs through pollution and environmental degradation, the means justifies the ends.

What is money but a means for accomplishing an end?   But some Capitalists see capital accumulation as an end in itself.

A finite end is placed in the earthen hollow of a transcendent end.