Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.1AK

[The Progressive anthropology consists of Bureaus in communion with the God of Progress and Social Justice.   Through Bureaus, organizational objectives find their place in the Progressive pantheon.

“Progress and Social Justice3” brings “the good ones and the bad ones2” into relation with “the possibilities of liberty, equality and fraternity1“.

The good ones are victims of the bad ones. The good ones (or their representatives) must identify and destroy the bad ones.

Progressives think that “falsely accusing others of thinkanti-object” will fill the apparent emptiness that is the relationality of their enlightenment god. “Falsely accusing others of thinkanti-object” will propitiate the Progressive Godhead. It is the equivalent to throwing virgins into the volcano.

Pro-objects are the idols of their various creeds. If we do not love them, at least we will fear them.]