Beneath the Veil of Strange Verses by Jeremiah L. Alberg 2013 4E

For mimesisunconstrained, the styles of symbolic closure differ, but the effect is the same.  Desire for the object is rewarded with status. Others desire to imitate you.  Failure to desire the object is rewarded with ridicule and disgust.

Those who do not desire the “object” are anathema.  Either they are “out of touch” (like, incapable of appreciating theoretical aesthetics or tragic drama) or “ignorant” (like, incapable of appreciating the utility of Utilitarianism).

As a result, everything contrary is either a scandal or a problem that has to be solved.  It is like sculpting in stone.  A form is hidden beneath the surface of Society.  A hammer and chisel is required to get it out.