Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 1.5W1

Summary of text [comment] page 35

[I now place another list to both nuance and contradict the associations provided in blog 1.5T (the summary of knowledge and will).

These portrayals combine two categorical levels.  The first instance describes a crossing of the categories.  The second instance presents a nested form (with the missing category left blank).

On the moral religious (vertical) axis of the intersecting nested forms:

Knowledge3(2) : thinkgroup_or_divine3contextualizes human action2, as sin or virtue

Knowledge3(2): thinkgroup_or_divine3(human action2(___1))

Will2(1): human action2 emerges from specified conscience1

Will2(1): __3(human action2(consciencelacking_or_free1))

On the natural philosophical (horizontal) axis of the intersecting nested forms:

Knowledge3(2): consequences3 contextualize human action2

Knowledge3(2): lawessential3(human action2(___1))

Will2(1): human action2 emerges from dispositions1

Will2(1): __3(human action2(dispositions1))

These definitions feel more evocative than the previous formulations because knowledge and will are implicated when the higher category alters the circumstances of the adjacent lower category.]