Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 1.5I2

[For Chavez, that object was resentment: “your are poor because the rich stole your money”. With this Great Leader, the world of Venezuela divided into thinkblame_the_rich and (the projected) thinksteal_from_the_poor.

If you had any money, you were threatened into silence by the projected label.  When poverty enveloped Venezuela due to market distortions, all political resistance received the projected label.  But where is this mythical evil person who has stolen all the wealth from poor Venezuela?  “Whoever it is” must live in the USA, or maybe Iran.  How about Japan?  China?  Any place but Venezuela.

“Concupiscence” is no longer defined in relation to thinkdivine but in relation to thinkblame_the_rich.

Hugo Chavez, as the personification of thinkblame_the_rich, could not, by definition, harbor thoughts of thinksteal_from_the_poor.

The golden calf is not only immune from concupiscence, but anyone who accuses ‘him’ is, by definition, guilty of concupiscence.  By definition, golden calf cannot commit “mortal sins”.

So I will not add that Chavez held billions of pesos in foreign bank accounts at the time of his death.  I do not want to stand accused …

… even though I am a sinner.

Such are the cryptotheological formulations of the Public Cult.]