
Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.2P

Summary of text [comment] page 71

[A brief review of male-female pair bonding is in order.

The human male evolved to be the female’s helper.

This adaptation could not take place without assurance by the female of the male’s paternity of the children.

The female evolved a hard to fake behavior that provides this crucial assurance.

She put the male in charge of the family.]


Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.2O-2

[On the one hand, the basis of ‘something’ (for love and self-destruction in the previous blog) can never be limited to feelings of attraction, arising from the so-called natural dispositions.

On the other hand, ‘feelings of attraction’ could be something that others call ‘the love arising from the natural dispositions’.

In sum, what others proclaim to be natural design3a substitute for ‘God’s creative design3a’.]